CGB technologies
CGB technologies
Specialist of Industrial Property searches, established in 1974. 
In 1994, Mrs Sophie Blanc suceeded her father Mr Gilbert Blanc. She has a Science degree from the Paris University VI P.M. Curie, and a diploma in Engineering from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers. She works as an IP searcher since 1986. 
CGB technologies has become a French leader in IP searches. Many well known International IP search companies, Patents Attorneys or Companies legal departments rely on CGB technologies' services for their IP searches or watches in France. 
French and foreign Patent or Design attorneys, intellectual property lawyers, Patents or Marketing departments, R&D departments, IP searches providers, IP Offices. 
Over the 45 years since our foundation, we have always been provided a prompt, confidential and totally personalised service with the highest quality. 

Industrial Designs Searches
  • Subject searches 
  • Name, individual searches  
  • Administrative watches & File inspection 
  • Copy; Certified Copy service 
We provide watches, mainly in Mechanical Engineering. 
Our approach is combining as often as possible manual & on-line databases. The approach is clearly indicated in the estimate, and detailled in the final report. 
Designs searches of a specific object/shape/pattern using Locarno or National classificiation.

Registers available FR/EUIPO/WIPO
National Registers Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, Korea, China...

In-House private database of designs, with thousands of errata or classification errors that we have been compiling during our 45 years long experience.
DESIGNS (unregistered)
For fashion, accessories, leather goods, or  jewels searches,

We have in-house private collections  (commercial and auction catalogues)

We also perfom searches in museum libraries or documentation centers  (Musée de la Mode, Arts décoratifs)

Internet searches.
The 12th edition of Locarno classification modifications (applied in 2019)
The World design database of WIPO, covers  now more than 5 millions designs from China.
Our in-house design database : to retrieve designs missing in a classic search.
CGB technologies
2, rue du Beausset
13001 Marseille - France